Barangkali, tidak banyak yang mengetahui cerita tentang Teresa Fidalgo, hantu wanita yang legendaris di era tahun 80an di Portugal. Dan yang lebih membuat namanya terkenal adalah, munculnya video rekamannya.
Pada rekaman tersebut, terlihat tiga orang sedang menaiki mobil:
Dua didepan, dan satu lagi dibelakang sedang membawa handycam.
Diceritakan juga, tiga orang itu hendak bepergian. Ditengah jalan, mereka bertemu dengan gadis cantik . Salah seorang dari mereka menawari tumpangan. Namun, ulah si kameramen yang terus merekam wajah gadis itu membuat seorang penumpang wanita didepan tadi merasa geram. Si wanita yang duduk didepan menegur si kameramen tersebut untuk mematikan handycamnya. Namun,peringatan itu tidak dihiraukan si kameramen sama sekali.
Sang gadis yang baru menumpang tadi memperkenalkan diri dengan nama Teresa Fidalgo. Dan anehnya, hampir selama perjalanan dia hanya diam membisu, sedangkan si kameramen terus merekam.
Tiba-tiba, Teresa mengatakan hal yang aneh ketika mobil sudah menempuh separuh perjalanan.
"Kalian lihat titik itu?" kata Teresa sambil menunjukkan spot putih. "Disanalah aku kecelakaan dan mati!"
Sontak tiga orang tadi langsung terkejut! Wajah Teresa tiba-tiba berubah menakutkan, dan pengemudi mobilpun kehilangan kontrol hingga mengakibatkan mobil mengalami kecelakaan.
Pada akhir cerita, semua penumpang ditemukan tewas, kecuali si kameramen, yang mengalami luka berat...
Tragis bukan? Namun, semua cerita itu hanyalah sebuah film pendek mengenai legenda hantu Teresa Fidalgo. Dan siapakah yang membuatnya? Tentu tak lain adalah David Rebordao. Dan apakah saya sudah menyebutkan namanya sejak awal? Ya, kehadirannya memang saya sebutkan sejak awal, tapi namanya belum saya sebutkan. David Rebordao adalah tokoh yang berperan sebagai saksi hidup alias si kameramen! Klik di sini untuk melihat video tersebut.
Maaf gambarnya sedikit buram. Dan berikut adalah penjelasan dari WikiAnswer:
"David Rebordao's site is at www. David Rebordao is the director of this short film. The entire clip and production prcedures are available on his web site on DVD format. The ghost isn't real. It is just short film made by David Rebordao."
Karena tulisan berikut terlalu panjang, akan saya tampilkan jawaban dari David Rebordao mengenai videonya. Dan berikut adalah copy paste dari artikel yang pernah saya buat tentang Teresa di grup Enigmania and My Hawkson. Klik di sini untuk mengecek. Posting tersebut saya buat pada tanggal 19 April 2010. Berikut adalah tulisan mengenai pengakuannya:
According to
this site (Malditang Pinay), the content of are
as follows:
My name is David Rebordão and I am
the author and producer of the short film "A Curva". After months of
speculation, stuffed of fantastic theories about the film, the moment of
the revelation arrives.
This website was created for you to
know all the truth about the facts that gave rise to the most watched
Portuguese short film of all time. Despite of several versions of the
film that exist of for free download by available to all cybernauts, in
this website you can acquire the complete version with twelve minutes of
duration in DVD.
The DVD brings also an interview where I am
going to relate all the trial of creation, my reactions about the spread
of the film all around the world, the several forums that were created
to talk about of the film, and to all the stories that were created from
the imagination of the cybernauts. I also reveal the strategy that was
behind the creation of the film, always with the objective of calling
attention of the public for the others projects that are being
I am going make movies for people; movies that can
this site (Malditang Pinay), the content of are
as follows:
My name is David Rebordão and I am
the author and producer of the short film "A Curva". After months of
speculation, stuffed of fantastic theories about the film, the moment of
the revelation arrives.
This website was created for you to
know all the truth about the facts that gave rise to the most watched
Portuguese short film of all time. Despite of several versions of the
film that exist of for free download by available to all cybernauts, in
this website you can acquire the complete version with twelve minutes of
duration in DVD.
The DVD brings also an interview where I am
going to relate all the trial of creation, my reactions about the spread
of the film all around the world, the several forums that were created
to talk about of the film, and to all the stories that were created from
the imagination of the cybernauts. I also reveal the strategy that was
behind the creation of the film, always with the objective of calling
attention of the public for the others projects that are being
I am going make movies for people; movies that can
Nah! Apakah Anda masih merasa ngeri? Well, sebagai gantinya, saya punya sebuah foto yang saya yakini (ingat, saya "yakini") sebagai pemeran Teresa Fidalgo.
Benar-benar wanita mengerikan yang "menarik".
Menurut saya dia Cantik
sama gan
ReplyDeleteNice article, btw, salam kenal ya, semakin banyak blog misteri, semakin rame nih, he..he..he
ReplyDeletemw tukeran link bro ?
To Vahn Saryu
ReplyDeleteBoleh. Thanks ya!
Itu legenda hantu luar negeri kan, terus kalo kita gk sebarin berita ini,hantunya mau ke indonesia,enak banget hantunya, bisa liburan, manusia aja kalah
DeleteEnak banget, setannya liburan, dari luar negeri ke indonesia, aku nya kapan
DeleteWTH i am so scared!!
ReplyDeleteteresa esta morta!
ReplyDeletemas existe mesmo um fantasma dela ou fazem cenas esquisitas e poem na net para assustar pessoas!
pk pode haver kem acredite nestas cenax!
To Anonim
ReplyDeleteTalvez as ações do Espírito. Eu acho que os fantasmas não podem Internet
ja nem digo nada mandam-me bue mensagens com isto so pa assustar
ReplyDeletebtw cantik bener tuh setan
ReplyDeleteterlalu cantik buat yang namanya hantu.. hehehe..
ReplyDeletebtw, nice post bro.. tuker link bole ga bro??
salam kenal..
To Mas Bayu
ReplyDeleteBoleh, Thanks!
essa mina vai dormi cumigo!!! hj!!!!
ReplyDeleteela pode dormir do meu lado!!!
ReplyDeleteela e bonita pior se fose feia
so tem um porem, nao pode mi deixar assustada pq quem morre sou eu hehe
benar ya ceritanya ?
ReplyDeletepernah heboh gk ?
Benar gk sih ?
ReplyDeletegila gw merinding banget sumpah ini bener kaga sih kaya jack the ripper lagi ya?
ReplyDeleteNAHLOOOO !!
ReplyDeletebini gua teresa itu..
ReplyDeletenonton online film online zombie apocalypse
nonton online film online horror
nonton online film online lucu
nonton online film online komedi
ini beneran gak ? ku takut
ReplyDeleteHanyalah hoax